Embodied Consent & Riding the Wave of Grief

Hello Reader,

Coming up is Pi day, St. Patrick's Day, one of my favorite Jewish holy days Purim, the spring equinox, Ramadan is upon us, and many of our clocks just lost an hour. Feels like the cocoon of winter is unraveling from our shoulders.

What are you noticing in this time of change? Do you feel compelled to stay in the cocoon longer, or are you ready to blast off?

It's a wild ride anyway you swing it. Here for you in the longing and the be-longing.

With gratitude,
Mikai'el Jade
Erotic Belonging

In this issue...

Embodied Consent - online Friday @ 9am PST

This third session in the "Superpowers of Erotic Belonging" online series will explore how sensations are the language of the body. We'll dip our toes into Betty Martin's "Wheel of Consent", explore the facets of being asked to serve or allow someone else's impulse for connection, and practice clueing into our body signals. What does a fuck yes feel like? How about a hell no? Bookmarking these signals builds a strong foundation for future pleasurable experiences, and deepens trust with your body. Join us Friday for this online hour-long workshop!

Can't attend tomorrow, but interested in the future sessions? Check out dates and topics!

Fridays online from 9-10am PST:

3/15 - Embodied Consent

3/22 - Knowing What You Want Part 1

3/29 - Knowing What You Want Part 2

Gems from Discerning Closeness

Discerning who we want closeness with can be agitating, activating, uncomfortable. It can also catalyze clarity, a key ingredient to deepening intimacy.

For the first session in Superpowers of Erotic Belonging, we went surprisingly deep into unconscious terrain around our desired closeness with others. Through a series of writing and drawing exercises, we mapped the distance between ourselves and others, then took a step back to assess: Where do we want more closeness? How have our connections changed over time? Are we distracting ourselves with quantity of connections over quality/depth/intimacy?

When it's not about what other people want, it can be tender work to see ourselves (and others) more honestly... but also freeing. I've had many conversations with friends who shared what they discovered in the weeks afterwards.

If you missed this one, I'll be leading it again in the coming months. Stay tuned!

Jess DeVries' "Riding the Waves of Grief" Series

Over the past few weeks, my friend and colleague Jess DeVries publicly came out as a grief worker. When I saw her post on IG, I gutturally yelled YES because this felt so right. She's been a Somatic Sex & Masturbation Coach for many years, and has slowly & consistently offered erotic grief spaces in very potent, important times. Sometimes for anyone who feels called, sometimes after targeted hate crimes to the queer community. Her newest offering is called Riding the Waves of Grief, a 4-part online series for queer-identified folk, focused on gaining grief literacy, exploring pleasure, and learning to be resourced by both.

Mikai'el Jade @ Erotic Belonging
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