Three years in the making...

Welcome to my newsletter!


After three years of studying and practicing Somatic Sex Education, I'm finally getting to writing my first newsletter! I'm stoked to share a few things with you:

  • from royal mess to huge success at the paradox of sovereignty
  • exploring deeper intimacy
  • announcing a sliding scale spot for July


I ran three workshops on the paradox of sovereignty in the past month, and learned so much! In each of them I offered a container to explore the embodiment of enmeshment, rugged individualism and then what's in between. The first workshop went smoothly, but the second one was a royal mess! It gave me so many gems to harvest, and a vulnerability hangover the next day. Because this one showed my growth edges, the third workshop was a huge success. I felt way more present and connected to my purpose after harvesting these gems. Learning how deep these wounds of individualism and enmeshment can go, and offering more preparation for the embodied explorations was a must. I also saw how unskilled of a facilitator I was after I embodied my rugged individualism, and realized my role was to hold space during those exercises, not participate. I also had the pleasure of running this third workshop with my partner Jody, as a support person for anyone who needed extra care.

Interested in exploring sovereignty but in the safety of your own home? Check out the sovereignty playscape in Queering Erotic Belonging, an online self-guided series of tools, stories, and activities to strengthen your relationship to sovereignty.

I intend to run more sovereignty workshops in the future, and would love to offer them before events as social lubricant and self-sovereignty skill building. Get in touch if you'd like to collaborate!


One of my intentions as a Somatic Sex Educator is to help people deepen their capacity for intimacy. But what does this actually mean? I share about this in my latest blog post, giving a nod to the role of improvisation. Check it out if you're interested! I'd love to hear what you think.


Do you or someone you know need support in unwinding blocks to intimacy, but on a tight budget? Each month I offer a series of three sessions at reduced rates ($60-$90/hr). Schedule a free call with me and mention you're interested in this opportunity for July.

Sending love and care to your pride month, and a fist bump of affirmation for all the ways you find yourself in royal messes.



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